Coaches' Corner: Honor The Game


The Game

WAYA has adopted a positive youth sports culture philosophy, which we describe as "honor the game". We do NOT embrace a "win-at-all-cost" mentality. Instead, our aspiration is to be an outstanding educational-athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience to every athlete.

A high-quality experience is one in which every participant:

  • Is coached using the principles of Positive Coaching
  • Has fun playing the game
  • Feels like an important part of their team regardless of performance
  • Learns "life lessons" that have value beyond the game itself
  • Learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the game and improves as a player.

We will strive to provide every coach with the tools to be successful as a Double Goal Coach (where winning is important, but teaching life lessons is more important). As such, we are utilizing many of the concepts advanced by the Positive Coaching Alliance, a non-profit established in 1988 at Stanford University. For more information on Postive Coaching Alliance, please visit

We want to create a culture at WAYA where kids love to play the game. They look forward to practices and games as times when they will have fun. The joy they find in playing will last a lifetime.

Our philosophy is based on collective empowerment, where coaches, parents, fans, officials and athletes work together to honor the game.
