WAYA Sports Performance Training

Presented by:


This program is designed to build athleticism, develop dynamic strength, enhance explosiveness, add to natural power and elastic body movement, increase neuromuscular efficiency, speed up arm action as well as allowing for freedom of the individual and his personal preferences.


TO REGISTER CALL 512-293-9762 or email TASBAinfo@att.net


2 Training Options:

Baseball Training
Functional Athletic Movement - Arm Care - VIP Training
Days & Times: Monday, Wenesday, Friday - 3:30-5:00PM or 4:30-6:00PM
Cost: $150/ Month to attend 1x per week
$250/ Month to attend unlimited

This 90 minute class will focus on:
Dynamic Warm-Up - 10 minutes
Speed Specific Agility & Coordination- 10 minutes
TASBA’s Famous Wall Series – 15 minutes
Skill Specific Strength and Movement Patterns- 15 minutes
Skill Specific Mobility & Flexibility Movements - 10 minutes
Arm Care – Recovery Series - 15 minutes
Functional Core Training - 15 minutes
Speed and Agility Training
Days & Times: Monday and Wednesdays - 4pm to 5pm
Price: $75/ Month to attend 1x per week
$100/ Month to attend unlimited
Your Trainer: Joey D. VanLaningham
This Class will focus on:
This is where your young athlete can gain a competitive edge by making big gains in their Speed and Agility! The program is comprised of a comprehensive system designed to utilize methodology that will enhance present and future athletic development of individual athletes so that they can reach their maximum athletic potential. 
Why start with Speed and Agility? Strength and power training can potentially lead to injury without proper structural integrity and sound movement patterns. With younger athletes, we like to start by effectively teaching the technical aspects of Speed and Agility to form the structural foundation for their future athletic development.
We take into consideration the age specific physical attributes that directly impact athletic performance and proceed to address those attributes in a comprehensive manner to create the biomechanical movement patterns essential to maximizing an athlete’s speed and agility development. In other words, we teach them how to play sports as fast and quick as possible while also establishing a strong base for them to build on!