Champs League

Cost to Play:

All Divisions

Member: $25.00

Non-member: $25.00

Eligible Divisions:

Season Information 
Sundays, 2PM-3PM at the Bratton Gym located inside WAYA, 1314 Exposition Blvd.
April 3rd-24th (4 Sundays)
Cost: $25  

What to expect
Champs League is a multi-sport league for children with special needs including language, learning, attention, or physical that may present a challenge in participating in mainstream sports leagues.  Champs League is a program focused on bringing kids of different abilities and special needs together through the avenue of team building activities and sports. Each player will be paired with a Buddy or Buddies who will assist the player in the different activities.

Volunteer Opportunities for kids age 11-18
We need BUDDIES!  A buddy will be paired up with a Champs League player and the role of the Buddy is to assist that player during the practice/game session.  There is no cost to be a Buddy but you MUST register online at
All Buddies will receive community service hours for their volunteer time.

There will be a one time Buddy orientation on the first Sunday, April 3rd at 1:15PM

Buddies (volunteer paired with a player) should be here from  1:30PM-3:00PM to help with setup and to welcome players. Activities with players take place from 2-3PM and all sessions will be held at the Bratton Gym, WAYA, 1314 Exposition Blvd.